Our Animals

All of our animals are quarantined or captive-bred to make sure the animal you receive is in perfect health. We love our animals and give them the care and attention they deserve.

  • Indonesian Hermit Crab

    Indonesian Hermit Crab (Coenobita brevimanus), is a hermit crab that has a great variability in color and is the second largest land hermit crab. These are not typically what you see in your local pet store!

  • Black-eared Mantella

    Black-eared Mantella (Mantella milotympanum) is a great starter mantella. Easy to care for and very small.

  • San Martin Fringe-Limbed Tree Frogs

    The San Martin Fringe-Limbed Tree Frogs (Ecnomiohyla valancifer) are a rare tree frog that we are working with. These babies originated from breeding projects and we will have babies available every so often. Subscribe to our emails!

Some Of Our Animals